Sam Profile Pic


Sam Ecoff received his degree in Music Theory and Composition from UW-Eau Claire and studied music technology at Full Sail Center for the Recording Arts in Winter Park, Florida. He has been teaching private music lessons since 1988 and has been a member of the piano faculty at the Waukesha County Conservatory of Music since 1997. Sam is a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs, MTNA (Music Teacher's National Association), MAPTA (Milwaukee Area Piano Teacher's Association), The Lake Country Music Club, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Mensa, The Triple Nine Society, ASCAP, and SESAC. He is currently serving as the State President of the Wisconsin Federation of Music Clubs. Sam is a past president of The Wisconsin Federation of Music Clubs, MAPTA, is the past president and founder of the Lake Country Music Club. His articles have been published in Clavier Companion, Acoustic and Digital Piano Buyer, and Piano Notes magazines, is the author of three books on music technology, and has served as a guest lecturer at the Junior Songwriter's Institute and Junior Composer's Studio. In 2009, Sam was named the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire's Outstanding Recent Alumnus and was inducted into the Kettle Moraine Laser Trailblazer Hall of Fame in 2010.

Sam is a well-established composer, specializing in non-mainstream instruments, keyboards, and percussion. His compositions have appeared on many television programs including The Today Show, American Ninja Warrior, Dancing with the Stars, Supergirl, Cupcake Wars, Impractical Jokers, American Idol, Jersey Shore, Pawn Stars, Top Gear USA, 20/20, Dateline NBC, Parks and Recreation, Access Hollywood, America's Most Wanted, Modern Marvels, Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, A&E Biography, The Summer Olympics, and The Teen Choice Awards to name just a few. His pieces have been performed in over 45 countries around the world. Sam has written music for Gravity, Velocity,   3 Ingredients or Less, Organic Spark, UNDERscore, Picture Puncture, Mix Tape,  Bigger Story, as well as managing the Modus Operandi Production Music Library.

Sam holds students to high musical standards emphasizing music theory, classical technique, and excellent musicianship. Sam's studio is an excellent choice for serious and dedicated students seeking challenging educational opportunities, a solid background in classical piano technique, and an active studio.

Sam is also an avid martial artist and holds a fourth degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He regularly teaches classes in self defense, sparring, and weapons.